Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leader of the Pack

I went on my first pack walk this morning! That's where my Peggy Mom puts all of the dogs on leash and then we walk for about a mile! It was really fun! You can only imagine all of the havoc I caused! First, I didn't know what side I was supposed to be on - with Fawn and Tobie or with Kira, Corkie and Leiden? I kept jumping on Corkie and biting her leash so Peggy Mom made me go with Fawn and Tobie. That worked out pretty well except Fawn doesn't really like me that close to her.

Anyway, I got the hang of this pack walk thing and trotted right out in front, next to Tobie. Here's a picture of my Peggy Mom and my five sisters - we couldn't take a picture of all of us, because who'd take the picture? You will just have to imagine what it looked like with me in there. I was so happy to go, I was jumping, biting, running, pulling. I thought Peggy Mom was going to give up and turn around to go home, but she didn't.

I'm going back to Momma Ellen's today so I'll have to let you know later how the weekend trip to the hotel works out! Have a great week!

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