Sunday, September 11, 2011

I stayed in a hotel!

I actually stayed in hotel for the very first time! I'm surprised how much fun it really was - we had our own room, with a nice cool tile floor. We had an exit right near our door so we could go outside quick if we needed to. It was on the second floor and I got to ride this really, really old elevator with really weird doors.

Anyway, to start at the beginning, my Peggy Mom took me to a Florida Bar meeting all the way up in Tallahassee. We had to drive in the car for a really long time. We stopped a couple of times and I got to walk around at these places called rest stops. I didn't see anybody resting though - they were all walking around.

I even got a tour of the Florida Bar headquarters. I got to go in the fancy board rooms and anything. My Peggy Mom was hoping I would have an accident and I didn't - she was really happy.

I scared my Peggy Mom good too! She was looking for something in the car and she was standing on my leash. Well when I saw she lifted her foot for a minute, I slipped away and started showing myself around the parking lot. When she realized what I'd done she looked real scared until she saw me. Then she came over, real calm like, and grabbed my leash. I guess she's really glad I was just sniffing at some grass and didn't run away? Now why would I run away - I'm a good dog.

Then we went to Wakulla Springs State Park and stayed at their old beautiful lodge. They have the most beautiful springs there I have ever seen! Not like I've seen a lot, but everyone kept saying how beautiful it was. Really nice water but I didn't even get to go swimming - something about alligators - not sure what that is. I got to meet lots and lots of people because for some reason I was the only dog in the whole park!

I went to a party, then I went to dinner, then I got on a big beautiful bus and went to another party. By the time I got back, it was time to go to bed. I'll tell you a secret - my Peggy Mom didn't even make me go in my crate. She let me sleep right next to her on the bed! I was so happy I didn't even move one time all night. I'm pretty sure she isn't going to let me do that again, but it was really nice.

The next day, I went to breakfast, then another meeting, then another long car ride. On the way home, I got to meet my Grandma Dot. Peggy Mom said we couldn't stay very long because we had to get home. Still it was nice to stop and stretch my legs, eat some lunch and play for a minute. My Grandma Dot has a cat but it wasn't very interesting.

Finally we were happy to be home. I got to play with Tobie for a while. Even Leiden acts like she likes me more a little bit every day. She'll even chase me in the house sometimes.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leader of the Pack

I went on my first pack walk this morning! That's where my Peggy Mom puts all of the dogs on leash and then we walk for about a mile! It was really fun! You can only imagine all of the havoc I caused! First, I didn't know what side I was supposed to be on - with Fawn and Tobie or with Kira, Corkie and Leiden? I kept jumping on Corkie and biting her leash so Peggy Mom made me go with Fawn and Tobie. That worked out pretty well except Fawn doesn't really like me that close to her.

Anyway, I got the hang of this pack walk thing and trotted right out in front, next to Tobie. Here's a picture of my Peggy Mom and my five sisters - we couldn't take a picture of all of us, because who'd take the picture? You will just have to imagine what it looked like with me in there. I was so happy to go, I was jumping, biting, running, pulling. I thought Peggy Mom was going to give up and turn around to go home, but she didn't.

I'm going back to Momma Ellen's today so I'll have to let you know later how the weekend trip to the hotel works out! Have a great week!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'm Growing Like a Weed!

At least that's what my Peggy Mom says. Daddy Rich weighed me last week and I was already 33 lbs.! I definitely don't miss any meals. You should see the size of my feet - Joe Dad says they look like bear paws. Guess that means I'm going to be a pretty big girl.

Funny thing is, I can still walk underneath my sister Tobie and I do! We have been playing and playing all weekend. She's still the only one at Peggy Mom's that really likes me but at least every one is being nicer now.

I've been running around without a leash most of the weekend too! That's been great to just run and play. Tobie and I have been wrestling a lot! When I get tired I just go in the garage and either lie on the cool floor or play in the water bowl! I can make a big splash!

I've had lots of amazing experiences since I chatted last. I went to a luncheon with a whole bunch of people and I was very quiet lying under the table. Then I went to a cocktail party fund raiser. It was mostly for cats, but they didn't seem to mind that I came. I was really good and sat right beside my Peggy Mom the whole time. Of course, we went off in a corner because everyone likes to pet me and it makes a big commotion. My friend Kim was at the party and she picked me up to hug me - I think I was about as big as she is! My Momma Ellen took me to Publix - word is I did really well. Then Peggy Mom took me to Tractor Supply today. Everyone there was really glad to see me. I even met a man in a wheelchair - I might even be his some day!

I arrived on the Fourth of July weekend and here we are celebrating again - something about a Labor Day. Not sure what they are talking about because everyone is working hard around this house! They spent all day outside cleaning a big white trailer.

I'm hoping to go on a business trip with my Peggy Mom this week. We are taking a long car ride and staying at a hotel. I'll tell you more about it when I get back. Have a great week - save me some treats!