I had my first birthday! My Peggy Mom and Momma Ellen threw me a party - Daddy Rich, Brandie and Leiden were there to help us celebrate. I got lots of cool stuff - to eat and to chew on and we took some great pictures! You can see them here.
I also celebrated one year of being with my Peggy Mom, Daddy Joe, Momma Ellen and Daddy Rich. I've had a great time growing up in two different families. Both were great, but different, experiences. As you may remember, I spend weekdays at The Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan where my job is to greet clients and make them feel comfortable. Sometimes I have to keep their feet warm. Others they just need me to be nearby so they feel happy and at home. My friend, Leiden help out with this job as well. I spent weeknights with Momma Ellen and Daddy Rich. At their house I am the only dog and I am soooooo spoiled. I have a cat sister, Brandie, but I am the only dog and that makes me the most special. I can just about get them to do anything for me. On the weekends I go to spend time with Peggy Mom and Daddy Joe at their place in Chuluota. They have lots of other dogs - 5 to be exact - Tobie, Fawn, Kira, Corkie and Leiden. There I get to play and play and play - just like a real dog. Tobie and I like to roll around in the wet grass and get as dirty as possible. Then we want to rub ourselves all over anyone who comes near. I just can't think of a better way to grow up - two families that totally love me.
I got to go on an overnight too - to my friend Sarah's house. Sarah always takes me for walks when I'm at work and I like to spend time with her when there's a scary storm. She took me home to her house so I could play with her little girl, Samantha. We had a great time.
Well, I'm finally up to the hardest day - it came in a couple of parts. First was the day we got the "phone call" saying it was time for me to go on to more training. My time with my Peggy Mom and Momma Ellen is going to be over. We are all very sad, but we understand that this day was bound to arrive. Then the second part was not really knowing when I was going to have to go, only that our time together was getting short. All of my friends are very sad - everyone wanted to spend extra time with me. We were hoping I could stay just a little bit longer - but that isn't going to be possible - at least not for now.
On Saturday October 27, 2012, Peggy Mom and I went to Lake Eola to go to the Walk to End Alzheimer's. There were lots of people there. All my friends from work were there including Sarah and Samantha. We got our picture taken and then Peggy Mom was getting sad so we left. We went to Seminole Mall and waited for Daddy Joe to arrive. While we were waiting, Peggy Mom got in the back seat and we just spent some real quiet time together. When Daddy Joe arrived we drove to New Horizons. There were lots of dogs there. I was a little nervous - you could tell because I was drooling. They had a bunch of cute little puppies. I love puppies. Then, Peggy Mom and Daddy Joe were gone - it was time for them to leave so I can go to the Prison Pup program. I hope I'm going to like it.
I know my Peggy Mom, Daddy Joe, Momma Ellen and Daddy Rich will love me forever. I can't wait until I can see them again at my graduation when I get to go to my forever family and help out my true friend who i waiting for me.
Until then....it's me, Sienna.